Matthew Guy, Federated Hermes
Matthew Guy
Associate Director
Federated Hermes

Matt has 10 years’ experience in private equity and is focused on business transformation for Federated Hermes Private Markets, with his work centred on the Global Private Equity business. Responsibilities include implementation of operating models for new fund products and jurisdictions, fund structuring, fund finance solutions, and driving operational efficiency and effectiveness through the use of cutting-edge technology such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. Matt is leading a number of initiatives including automating carried interest calculations, implementing portfolio monitoring solutions and exploring how GenAI can be applied to private markets operating models. Prior to this, Matt worked in private equity audit at KPMG, specialising in IPEV valuations and modelling. Inbetween these roles, Matt worked for HMG's Cabinet Office as a Commercial Adviser, advising senior civil servants and stewarding the government's joint-venture investments. He is a Chartered Accountant and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Accountancy.